Our hair is one of the most important aspects in cosmetics. In fact, there are a lot of people who really want to take care of their hair as best as they can. After all, having hair problems can sometimes demoralize a person and make us lose our confidence. So, hair care is actually an important aspect in our life. Unfortunately, this task will be a bit difficult for someone with hair problems. They might need to be prepared to spend some money, time and energy in order to solve their hair problems. One of the obvious and most efficient ways to solve a hair problem is by meeting a doctor. All you need to do is to book appointment with your doctor, then the doctor will take care of the rest. It sounds so simple, but what will the doctor do? How does a doctor treat hair problems? We will try to answer this question in an easy way so you can understand how the process went on.
1. Make an appointment
Hair problems can be one of the most health problems experienced by the people on this earth. So, it is normal to see so many patients meeting their doctor in order to get a hair treatment. To make things easier, it is recommended for you to make an appointment beforehand so that your schedule can easily be set. You can simply search the number from Google and call the centre. By just one call, you will be able to make a quick booking. Besides that, please bear in mind that the consultation might take a longer time than you expected, especially if your problem is so extended. Hence, it is a wise decision if you can pick a date where you are completely free at that time.
2. Consultation
After your booking, you will get your date of appointment. During your appointment, the first thing that you need to undergo is called a consultation. During this process, the doctor will ask you questions regarding your hair problems such as your disease, symptoms, your medication, hair health and other questions that seem appropriate. Based on your answers, the doctor then will decide what is the provisional diagnosis for your problem.
3. Hair examination
After your doctor gets a glimpse of your condition and derives the most possible diagnosis, then the next thing that they will do is to check your hair condition. At this time, your doctor most probably knows what to look for based on your answers during the consultation. During the hair examination, your doctor might take a look at your hair, scalp or other body parts if necessary.
4. Test
If necessary, your doctor might need to conduct a test in order to confirm their diagnosis. Sample is needed for the test. So, usually samples such as hair, particles, blood or insects found on your head will likely be sent to the laboratory for further investigations.
5. Result
The last step is the result. Based on the examination and also test findings, your doctor will conclude and confirm your diagnosis. Once they know what is the reason for your current hair problem, then the doctor will try to suggest a solution and treat it. The treatment will always depend on the type of hair problem. For example, hair problems caused by lice will likely be treated with a special kind of shampoo while hair problems that are caused by an internal factor will most likely be treated by hair treatment suggestions. Either way, you need to trust your doctor and always take their advice if you want to solve your hair problem as soon as possible.